Mental yoga is a practice based on the principles of traditional yoga and focuses on developing the mind and mental strength. It is designed to reduce stress, improve concentration and promote emotional balance. Mental yoga includes various techniques and exercises that help to calm the mind and promote thought control.

Basics of mental yoga:

  • Mindfulness:
    • Mental yoga is based on the concept of mindfulness, which involves conscious and non-judgmental attention to the present moment. By training the mind to be in the here and now, you can focus your attention on the present moment and free yourself from distracting thoughts.
  • Breathing exercises:
    • Breathing techniques are an important part of mental yoga. Through conscious breathing, you can establish a connection to the present experience and contribute to relaxation. Breathing exercises can also help to calm the mind and improve concentration.
  • Visualization:
    • By using visual imagery, you can calm your mind and create a positive inner world. By visualizing peaceful and positive images, you can transform negative thoughts and emotions and find inner peace.
  • Affirmations:
    • Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that you say to yourself over and over again. They help to focus the mind on positive thoughts and feelings. By repeating affirmations, you can program your subconscious in a positive way and build self-confidence.
  • Meditation:
    • The practice of meditation is a fundamental technique in mental yoga. By sitting in silence and focusing your attention on a specific point or observing your thoughts, you can calm your mind and improve your concentration. The regular practice of meditation can lead to inner peace and serenity.
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2. techniques of mental yoga:

  • Body scan:
    • This technique involves mentally going through the body from head to toe and consciously feeling every region and part of the body. This allows you to establish a connection with your body and recognize and resolve tension or discomfort.
  • Mantra meditation:
    • Mantra meditation involves repeating a certain word, sound or phrase over and over again. This allows you to focus your mind and find inner peace.
  • Guided imagination journeys:
    • In this technique, a teacher or an audio file guides the practitioner to create certain scenarios or images in their mind. This can help to reduce stress and create a positive and relaxing inner world.
  • Physical asanas:
    • Although mental yoga mainly focuses on the mental dimension, physical asanas (yoga exercises) can also be practiced to stretch the body and improve circulation. Physical activity can also lead to the release of endorphins and promote emotional balance.

It is important to note that mental yoga is an exercise that requires regular practice to achieve the best results. It can be customized depending on a person's needs and abilities. It is recommended to consult a qualified teacher to learn the correct techniques and receive support in developing a personalized practice.

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